Tom DiSilva

Tom DiSilva has been providing professional human resource services for over 30 years. As the CEO of Navigate PEO, he actively partners with organizations of all sizes in the Greater New England area and across the country to help their businesses grow. He has expertise in HR and Labor Management, offering guidance and support for key areas of business such as negotiations, operations management, employee coaching, and employee benefits design. He is an active member of The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), The National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO), Professional Association of Co-Employers (PACE), and The American Payroll Association (APA). He is deeply committed to giving back to the community both personally and through Navigate Cares, which provides support for several nonprofit organizations such as the USO, The Boys & Girls Club, and the 3Point Foundation.
The Latest Articles from Tom DiSilva

Employee Handbooks: Non-compete and Non-disclosure Agreements

In a recent blog post, we talked about some compliance concerns that arise when developing an employee handbook. Specifically, we discussed the importance of making a disclaimer that the employee handbook is not a contract, and that employees are employed at-will,...

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Employee Handbooks: Are They Considered Contracts?

In this series, we have discussed why employee handbooks are important. By now you know that a well-drafted, legally compliant, and up-to-date handbook can have many benefits for both the employees and the employer. But is an employee handbook the same thing as an...

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Job Descriptions: Working Conditions and Physical Demands

The purpose of a job description is to clearly state exactly what a person in that role does. Furthermore, it should convey as much as possible about the actual experience of working in the role. Thus, a crucial element of ADA compliant job descriptions is a section...

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Employee Handbooks: Why Are They Important?

While having an employee handbook may seem like something that only larger corporations need to worry about, the reality is that employee handbooks are important and beneficial for businesses of all sizes, even those with just a handful of employees. A well-drafted,...

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Job Descriptions: Essential vs. Nonessential Functions

A crucial element to any job description is listing the essential and nonessential functions of the job. Put simply, an essential job function is one that the person holding the job must be able to perform, whereas non-essential job functions are those that do not...

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Job Descriptions: Setting A Salary Range

One thing that any employer looking to fill a position must consider is the salary range for that role. From an employer’s perspective, a salary range establishes a potential range of compensation for a specific role. It usually includes a minimum and a maximum pay...

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To Improve Safety in the Workplace, Improve Communication

Did you know that for every $1 a company invests in workplace safety, there is a resulting $4 return on investment? (Source) Many employers know that they need to be paying attention to safety in the workplace, but are not effectively doing so. Developing a culture of...

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Ensuring Compliance with Independent Contractors

Over the past several years, hiring activity has been on an upward trend for small businesses. At the same time, the types of jobs being generated by small businesses are shifting, as the general economy evolves and changes. Most notably, the “gig economy” is on the...

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Factors to Consider When Determining Pay Period

Payroll is an essential function of every business. That being said, there are varying ways that employers can actually distribute pay to employees, and one critical decision that employers need to make when setting up payroll is which of the different types...

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