Featured Articles

Here at Navigate, we know that running a business is no easy task, which is why a large percentage of businesses ultimately fail. Every day, business owners are faced with challenges that can impact the success of the business. To make matters worse, seemingly small decisions can often have big implications. Located in the Greater New England region, we at Navigate want to help your business perform better, and that’s why we’re striving to keep you informed about all the latest HR, benefits, compliance, and compensation trends. Look no further than these featured blog posts for the latest information that you need to know on the various topics that affect your business. Through these blog posts, we hope to simplify certain topics and make them easier to understand, easing the burden placed on you. With more understanding, you can spend more of your time focusing on what really matters: growing your business.

Providing Help for Caregivers Within the Workplace

Providing Help for Caregivers Within the Workplace

An estimated 1 in 6 working Americans today support their parents or another member of the elderly community. Read how to invest in employees that are in an unpaid caregiving function at home that you might not even be aware of.

How to Avoid Workplace Discrimination

How to Avoid Workplace Discrimination

Although many laws have been passed throughout the decades, discrimination is still a problem in the workplace. Discrimination makes the office a tense and unpleasant place to work, and often unfairly removes the opportunity for society’s least represented groups....

Human Resource Information System Fact Sheet

Human Resource Information System Fact Sheet

A Human Resource Information System, or HRIS, is a program or a set of programs that helps companies with recruitment, performance reviews, employee training, HR management and reporting.

Employee Handbooks: Key Elements

Employee Handbooks: Key Elements

Employee handbooks are important and beneficial for companies of all sizes, but the process of developing an employee handbook can be challenging. The employee handbook must be tailored to the company while also remaining legally compliant, clear, concise, and...

Recruiting: The Importance of Talent Pipelining

Recruiting: The Importance of Talent Pipelining

Throughout this series, we have discussed various areas that employers need to address if they wish to improve their recruiting efforts, including the importance of employer branding and the importance of an improved candidate experience. With both of these tactics,...

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