
Running a business is no easy task, and managing employee compensation in a way that is efficient and compliant can be a big challenge. There are plenty of regulations that vary from state to state and are constantly changing, making it all the more difficult for employers to ensure that they are remaining compliant when paying employees. These blog posts share information on new payroll regulations and how they impact business owners, as well as tips on doing payroll for a small business. Here at Navigate, we know that processing payroll can place a large administrative burden on business owners, which is why we provide expertise and help on managing payroll on a budget. Look no further for all the information that you need to reduce the stress caused by employee compensation so you can focus more of your time and energy on things that actually help your business grow.

Providing Help for Caregivers Within the Workplace

Providing Help for Caregivers Within the Workplace

An estimated 1 in 6 working Americans today support their parents or another member of the elderly community. Read how to invest in employees that are in an unpaid caregiving function at home that you might not even be aware of.

How to Get an Employee Retention Tax Credit in 2020

How to Get an Employee Retention Tax Credit in 2020

We are living in a time like nothing we have ever seen before. It seems that the entire world has been put on hold while scientists, doctors, and governments try to discover the answer to COVID-19. While everyone waits, most businesses have either been shut down or...

How to Ensure Compliance with a Non-discretionary Bonus

How to Ensure Compliance with a Non-discretionary Bonus

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The Year End Bonus: Things to Consider

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As we approach the end of the year, many employers are preoccupied with planning holiday parties and managing employees’ requests for time off. The holidays are an exciting busy time, but one thing that employers should not forget to think about is the year end bonus....

Job Descriptions: Setting A Salary Range

Job Descriptions: Setting A Salary Range

One thing that any employer looking to fill a position must consider is the salary range for that role. From an employer’s perspective, a salary range establishes a potential range of compensation for a specific role. It usually includes a minimum and a maximum pay...

Factors to Consider When Determining Pay Period

Factors to Consider When Determining Pay Period

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Pay Equity Compliance 101

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The topic of a wage gap between genders is hotter than ever, and wage laws are becoming an issue of concern for employers on both the state and national level. In September, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released a final version of the Employer...

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