
Today, business owners face a variety of challenges. Starting and running a business is a challenge in itself, but the myriad of labor regulations thrust upon businesses just increases the complexity. Failure to comply with local, state, and federal laws can lead to costly penalties, and in some cases, dissolution. To complicate things further, the legal landscape is constantly changing with laws being added and amended on a regular basis. Look no further for all that you need to know on compliance issues that affect your business. Topics range from ensuring compliance with independent contractors, to performing human resources audits, and beyond. Located in the Greater New England region, we at Navigate PEO want to help your business perform better, and we know that ensuring compliance is a big part of that. These blog posts will make it easier for you to avoid the costly consequences of noncompliance so you can focus on growing your business.

Small Businesses Can Get More By Doing Less

Small Businesses Can Get More By Doing Less

Running a small business is inherently challenging.  Daily, you are faced with issues that can impact the growth, profitability, and success of your business; and seemingly small decisions can have tremendous implications. While large corporations have sufficient...

Protecting Your Small Business From Employment Related Liability

Protecting Your Small Business From Employment Related Liability

You’ve heard it stated many times, “your employees are your greatest asset”.  Their commitment, drive and performance can either make or break a company in today’s competitive environment. While the vast majority of employer/employee relationships are productive...

Noncompliance: A Big Concern for Small Business

Noncompliance: A Big Concern for Small Business

Today, small business owners face a variety of challenges. Starting and running a business is a challenge in itself, but the myriad of labor regulations thrust upon businesses just increases the complexity. Failure to comply with local, state, and federal laws can...

The Importance of HR Services for Startups

The Importance of HR Services for Startups

“Human resources is dead.” The above phrase is often repeated in startup circles. Why? Many startups pride themselves on innovation and creativity, and because HR is the non-flashy part of business, it has gained somewhat of a stigma in the startup world. Founders,...

The Importance of Effective Onboarding

The Importance of Effective Onboarding

We are living in an age where people go through many jobs in their life - about a quarter of the working population faces a job transition every year. Being a new employee in any workplace can be tough, but there is also a challenge posed to the employer in ensuring...

Effective Strategies for Dispute Resolution

Effective Strategies for Dispute Resolution

Today, most organizations celebrate workforces that are made up of a variety of attitudes, ideals, and beliefs. Sometimes, however, these differences can lead to workplace conflicts that can be costly if ignored. It is good to recognize that conflicts can be healthy,...

Medical Marijuana in the Workplace

Medical Marijuana in the Workplace

Currently, 25 states and the District of Columbia have laws legalizing marijuana in some form- medically, recreationally, or in some cases, both. These jurisdictions provide marijuana users with varying levels of protection from employment discrimination. Despite...

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