HR Outsourcing

Here at Navigate, we know that running a small business is no easy task, which is why a large percentage of small businesses ultimately fail. Every day, small business owners are faced with challenges that can impact the success of the business. To make matters worse, seemingly small decisions can often have big implications. Fortunately, HR outsourcing can help businesses consolidate most HR functions and focus on what matters most- actually growing the business. Companies that outsource HR functions tend to grow faster, and are less likely to fail. These blog posts will demonstrate how HR outsourcing can help alleviate some of the top employment-related concerns faced by small business owners everywhere, including the rising cost of employee benefits and outsourcing the administrative burden of payroll processing. Read on to find out how Navigate can help you ease the administrative burden through HR outsourcing, so you can focus on steering your business towards success.

Growing Non-Dues Revenue by Partnering with a PEO

Growing Non-Dues Revenue by Partnering with a PEO

Businesses today have a lot on their plate. Between trying to outwit their competition and innovate in unique and distinctive ways throughout the year, businesses today are smart to partner up with a Professional Employer Organization, or PEO.

How HR Departments and PEOs Can Work Together

How HR Departments and PEOs Can Work Together

Running a business is no easy task. Business owners today face many challenges, including managing costs, increasing profits, and remaining compliant with constantly changing local, state, and federal regulations. Human resources departments, in particular, face a...

Outsourcing Payroll- Just the First Step

Outsourcing Payroll- Just the First Step

A common piece of advice given by business consultants is: focus on what you do best and outsource all non-core functions of the business. In most businesses, administrative functions, such as payroll and tax filings, while critical, are still considered non-core...

Small Businesses Can Get More By Doing Less

Small Businesses Can Get More By Doing Less

Running a small business is inherently challenging.  Daily, you are faced with issues that can impact the growth, profitability, and success of your business; and seemingly small decisions can have tremendous implications. While large corporations have sufficient...

Mitigating the Rising Costs of Benefits

Mitigating the Rising Costs of Benefits

In last week’s blog post, we discussed the factors contributing to the rising cost of healthcare. Escalating health insurance premiums pose a real threat to employers, since providing enticing benefits packages is an important factor in employee satisfaction and...

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