
A key part of attracting and retaining quality employees is offering a valuable employee benefits package that meets their wants and needs. For small to medium-sized businesses, however, offering a robust benefits package that rivals that of a much larger corporation can be a challenge. These blog posts delve into how employers can identify what benefits employees want and need, and how those needs can be met. Topics range from new regulations that affect health benefits to ways to get more employees to participate in a 401k. At Navigate, we know just how challenging employee benefits can be, which is why we help to give smaller companies the leverage of a big business with access to more robust and competitive benefits offerings. Read on for tips on how to make the most of your benefits offerings, and to ensure that you are staying on top of all the latest tips and trends in employee benefits.

Providing Help for Caregivers Within the Workplace

Providing Help for Caregivers Within the Workplace

An estimated 1 in 6 working Americans today support their parents or another member of the elderly community. Read how to invest in employees that are in an unpaid caregiving function at home that you might not even be aware of.

Paid Caregiver Leave: A Worthwhile Benefit

Paid Caregiver Leave: A Worthwhile Benefit

Did you know that an estimated 24 million family caregivers—about 60 percent of family caregivers of adults—are also working at a paying job? In generations past, there would often be a nonworking family member that was able to take care of older and/or sick...

Unlimited PTO: Is It Right For Your Workplace?

Unlimited PTO: Is It Right For Your Workplace?

As summer approaches, we are entering the busiest time of year for people looking to go on vacation and take time off of work. This season often leads employers to consider their time off policies, and whether or not a change to the time off policy could be made that...

Insurance Brokers and PEOs: A Worthwhile Partnership

Insurance Brokers and PEOs: A Worthwhile Partnership

One of the biggest challenges insurance brokers face today is protecting their book of business- that is, retaining clients and keeping them happy. While brokers are always looking to add new clients, protecting the book of business is the number one priority for many...

Employee Volunteering: A Good Business Investment

Employee Volunteering: A Good Business Investment

Every business owner wants their business to do well- to continually increase profits and success. But today, more and more business owners are recognizing the importance of doing good. Consumers are placing increased value on companies that make an effort to give...

What You Need To Know About Financial Wellness Programs

What You Need To Know About Financial Wellness Programs

A recent survey from Country Financial found that 67% of Americans say that they are worried about their financial future. Thus, as an employer, it is guaranteed that at least some of your employees are stressed about money. Though money woes may seem like more of a...

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