
A key part of attracting and retaining quality employees is offering a valuable employee benefits package that meets their wants and needs. For small to medium-sized businesses, however, offering a robust benefits package that rivals that of a much larger corporation can be a challenge. These blog posts delve into how employers can identify what benefits employees want and need, and how those needs can be met. Topics range from new regulations that affect health benefits to ways to get more employees to participate in a 401k. At Navigate, we know just how challenging employee benefits can be, which is why we help to give smaller companies the leverage of a big business with access to more robust and competitive benefits offerings. Read on for tips on how to make the most of your benefits offerings, and to ensure that you are staying on top of all the latest tips and trends in employee benefits.

The Top 3 Reasons Employees Don’t Invest in 401k

The Top 3 Reasons Employees Don’t Invest in 401k

Every 401k investor hopes to make a return. That doesn’t mean everyone has the same reasons for participating in a plan. Whereas employees on the higher end of the pay scale may be looking for ways to enhance their wealth, those toward the lower end are often making...

What Employers Need to Know About the New GOP Healthcare Bill

What Employers Need to Know About the New GOP Healthcare Bill

On Thursday, May 6, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act (AHCA), by a vote of 217 to 213. The bill will now be sent to the Senate, where it faces revisions and amendments, and then another vote. The Republicans hold 52 of the 100 seats...

The Keys to Proper Retirement Plan Education

The Keys to Proper Retirement Plan Education

Retirement plans are an important benefit to help attract and retain employees.  As an employer, offering a 401(k) shows you are concerned about your employees’ future and have established a vehicle to help them prepare for their financial security after their...

Outsourcing Payroll- Just the First Step

Outsourcing Payroll- Just the First Step

A common piece of advice given by business consultants is: focus on what you do best and outsource all non-core functions of the business. In most businesses, administrative functions, such as payroll and tax filings, while critical, are still considered non-core...

Small Businesses Can Get More By Doing Less

Small Businesses Can Get More By Doing Less

Running a small business is inherently challenging.  Daily, you are faced with issues that can impact the growth, profitability, and success of your business; and seemingly small decisions can have tremendous implications. While large corporations have sufficient...

Covering All the Bases in Retirement Plans

Covering All the Bases in Retirement Plans

Any fan of baseball probably knows that David Ortiz- “Big Papi”- of the Boston Red Sox recently retired. Well, as Big Papi prepares for his “golden years” at least he won’t have to worry about his finances.  While the top, multi-year, mega million dollar...

Mitigating the Rising Costs of Benefits

Mitigating the Rising Costs of Benefits

In last week’s blog post, we discussed the factors contributing to the rising cost of healthcare. Escalating health insurance premiums pose a real threat to employers, since providing enticing benefits packages is an important factor in employee satisfaction and...

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