
Today, business owners face a variety of challenges. Starting and running a business is a challenge in itself, but the myriad of labor regulations thrust upon businesses just increases the complexity. Failure to comply with local, state, and federal laws can lead to costly penalties, and in some cases, dissolution. To complicate things further, the legal landscape is constantly changing with laws being added and amended on a regular basis. Look no further for all that you need to know on compliance issues that affect your business. Topics range from ensuring compliance with independent contractors, to performing human resources audits, and beyond. Located in the Greater New England region, we at Navigate PEO want to help your business perform better, and we know that ensuring compliance is a big part of that. These blog posts will make it easier for you to avoid the costly consequences of noncompliance so you can focus on growing your business.

How to Avoid Workplace Discrimination

How to Avoid Workplace Discrimination

Although many laws have been passed throughout the decades, discrimination is still a problem in the workplace. Discrimination makes the office a tense and unpleasant place to work, and often unfairly removes the opportunity for society’s least represented groups....

Changes to OSHA Under COVID-19 and the Biden Administration

Changes to OSHA Under COVID-19 and the Biden Administration

As a new administration takes office, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage on. Despite the encouraging development of vaccines and their dispersal to frontline workers and the elderly, continuing efforts are being made to control the spread of the virus.

How to Support LGBTQ Employees in the Workplace All Year Long

How to Support LGBTQ Employees in the Workplace All Year Long

Pride Month is in June. Every June, events including festivals and parades are held around the country to celebrate the progress the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer) community has made, while also recognizing the distance still needed to achieve...

Hiring Summer Interns: Worth the Risk?

Hiring Summer Interns: Worth the Risk?

As summer approaches, many college students find themselves looking for summer internships as a way to gain valuable experience in the workplace and beyond the classroom environment. Summer internships have always been a staple for many in the college experience, and...

How to Ensure Compliance with a Non-discretionary Bonus

How to Ensure Compliance with a Non-discretionary Bonus

There is not a single employer that does not have to contend with compliance issues in the workplace. One area that is especially tricky is the payment of bonuses. The Fair Labor Standards Act is the main law that regulates the payment of wages to employees, and there...

The Year End Bonus: Things to Consider

The Year End Bonus: Things to Consider

As we approach the end of the year, many employers are preoccupied with planning holiday parties and managing employees’ requests for time off. The holidays are an exciting busy time, but one thing that employers should not forget to think about is the year end bonus....

Halloween In the Office: Avoid a Legal Scare

Halloween In the Office: Avoid a Legal Scare

As we move through fall and approach the holiday season, we are entering a time when holiday celebrations in the workplace become commonplace. Fall offers plenty of opportunities for seasonal cheer and festivities, with Halloween being an especially fun time. But...

Employee Handbooks: Making Updates

Employee Handbooks: Making Updates

In this series, we have discussed why employee handbooks are important. We have also discussed some compliance issues that can arise in the development and distribution of employee handbooks, including whether or not employee handbooks are considered to be contracts,...

Employee Handbooks: Non-compete and Non-disclosure Agreements

Employee Handbooks: Non-compete and Non-disclosure Agreements

In a recent blog post, we talked about some compliance concerns that arise when developing an employee handbook. Specifically, we discussed the importance of making a disclaimer that the employee handbook is not a contract, and that employees are employed at-will,...

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