Navigating A Post-Pandemic Return To Work
As we see restrictions starting to lift, we’re seeing companies start to send their employees back to work in the office as long as it’s safe to do so and a proper risk management plan is in place.

Providing Help for Caregivers Within the Workplace
An estimated 1 in 6 working Americans today support their parents or another member of the elderly community. Read how to invest in employees that are in an unpaid caregiving function at home that you might not even be aware of.

How to Avoid Workplace Discrimination
Although many laws have been passed throughout the decades, discrimination is still a problem in the workplace....
Human resources news and articles

Growing Non-Dues Revenue by Partnering with a PEO
Businesses today have a lot on their plate. Between trying to outwit their competition and innovate in unique and distinctive ways throughout the year, businesses today are smart to partner up with a Professional Employer Organization, or PEO.

A Year in Review: Top Articles for HR and Business Leaders to Help You Pivot in 2021 and Beyond
During a year of uncertainty, Navigate PEO aimed to publish content that kept business leaders informed about market opportunities, workplace investments, and ways to navigate COVID-19 limitations in your organization.

Human Resource Information System Fact Sheet
A Human Resource Information System, or HRIS, is a program or a set of programs that helps companies with recruitment, performance reviews, employee training, HR management and reporting.

Changes to OSHA Under COVID-19 and the Biden Administration
As a new administration takes office, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage on. Despite the encouraging development of vaccines and their dispersal to frontline workers and the elderly, continuing efforts are being made to control the spread of the virus.

2021 Update on What the Payroll Protection Program’s Second Draw Means for Executives
When the first Payroll Protection Program went into effect through the CARES Act in March of 2020, small business owners around the country were provided with financial support to help them survive the turbulent waves created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The assistance...

The Compass Newsletter (Jan 2021): Flexible Jobs, Paid Caregiver Leave, OSHA Compliance, & PPP’s Second Draw
HR can seem like such a hassle, but investing in well-rounded HR policies is investing in your company. A component HR department takes entry-level workers to supervisors, streamlines the onboarding process, and provides a safe place for employees to work out their...

Why companies should invest in benefits for employees in ‘caregiving’ functions
For anyone who has had to look after a sick or elderly relative, family member, or friend, you know that it can be draining and many employers are not flexible. Read about why organziations need to invest in benefits for employees in caregiving functions.

Why you should invest in your existing staff: keeping current employees happy is key to a successful future
Think about the worst job you ever had. What made it so bad? Did you work long hours? Did you work under the thumb of a micromanager? Did your job offer no benefits? Now, consider the best job you've ever had. What made it good? Did you feel valued? Autonomous? Were...

The pandemic-induced workplace digital transformation in 2020: how are workplaces changing?
Covid-19 has hit many businesses hard. Yelp.com's Local Economic Impact Report announced that more than 97,966 businesses in the US permanently shut down due to the pandemic - and that was from reports in September of this year. Businesses may have experienced even...
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